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I offer physio-led pilates classes which target the physical requirements of your chosen sport or activity. 


Pilates classes are available for

  • cyclists wanting to improve their comfort and performance on the bike

  • pregnant women who are keen to exercise safely and prepare for birth

  • postnatal women who are ready to start exercising again to regain their fitness


121 physiotherapy sessions are currently suspended due to NHS employment.

Bike fits and pilates classes for cyclists are available.  Last updated Sep 2024.



The benefit of coming to a physio-led pilates class is that I prepare all the exercises with an underlying knowledge of the human body and the physical requirements of your chosen sport or activity.  You receive individual attention during each class with hands on feedback to ensure you are performing the movements correctly.  Classes are small and I am able to adapt all exercises if you have any pain or injuries.  


Individual physiotherapy appointments and a physio-led bike fit can also be arranged. 


Cycling Services


Joining a specific pilates class for cyclists ensures that you get on with the exercises that you know you should be doing! I include strength, flexibility and balance exercises with the specific aims of improving your comfort and performance on the bike and helping you manage your current niggles and prevent further injuries. 


















Sports Physiotherapy is available in the comfort of your own home (within five miles of Dunfermline).











A physio-led bike fit can be arranged which includes analysis of your current cycling position, amendments made to your bike set-up.


Amy-Daly-cyclist sport-physio-web.gif

to find out more about


Pilates for Cyclists

Sports Physiotherapy

Physio-led Bike Fit


Pregnancy Services


You can be confident that all the exercises given in a physio-led pregnancy pilates class are safe for your stage of pregnancy.  I have experience of treating women with pregnancy related pain, I can help you exercise safely at all stages of your pregnancy, no matter what your current fitness level or experience is.  As a knowledgeable and experienced instructor with first hand experience of the challenges and concerns of exercising in pregnancy, I am well placed to offer support and guidance to you throughout your pregnancy journey.













Pregnancy Physiotherapy is available in the comfort of your own home (within five miles of Dunfermline).


















to find out more about


Pregnancy Pilates

Pregnancy Physiotherapy

currently suspended



Postnatal Services


Coming to a postnatal pilates class, gets you out of the house, meeting other Mums and having a whole hour where the focus is purely on you.  After the physical demands of pregnancy and childbirth, it's time to specifically target the areas you need to work on.  You will be shown how to check for separation of your abdominal muscles, taught pelvic floor exercises and a variety of exercises to restore your mobility and strength to help you return to your chosen activity level or sport.











Postnatal Physiotherapy is available in the comfort of your own home (within five miles of Dunfermline).
















to find out more about


Postnatal Pilates

Postnatal Physiotherapy

currently suspended



"I wanted to improve my core stability and upper body endurance to hold a better posture on the bike towards the end of races.  Since doing pilates, I’m feeling stronger on my bike, especially on longer rides.  I’m much more aware of how I sit on the bike and I’m able to focus on my posture to correct myself.  I have less upper body fatigue at the end of races so I am able to push myself harder and still attack when tired." 


Kevin Barclay,

former Scottish Champion and British medallist

"I wanted to feel in control and try and maintain a decent level of tone and stretch throughout my pregnancy.  Plus I experienced issues with my back early on so core strength was key.  Since doing pilates I feel better, more relaxed and have learned a lot of different techniques to address my problem areas.  I now feel less stressed or worried about any aches and pains as Amy knows her stuff, plus talking to other Mums-to-be really helps - especially as a first time Mum!" 


Laura Coates

first time Mum

"Having been to antenatal pilates I wanted to do postnatal pilates too, in order to see what my postnatal physical health was like and have better body awareness.  I now have confidence that I'm moving better and am able to engage in higher impact exercise following an emergency C section.  I feel confident going forward with exercise, knowing that I'm protecting my physical well-being.  I liked all aspects of the class.  I thought it was wonderful having volunteers to look after babies."


Roz Ramsay-Allan first time Mum

Tristan Crew MBE

I am a chartered sports and pelvic health physiotherapist with over 20 years experience.  I have a BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy degree and have completed postgraduate training in pilates with a specific focus on cycling injuries and antenatal/postnatal fitness.  I am passionate about promoting physical activity and making exercise accessible to all.
"A highly accomplished and effective clinician she has provided extended scope practitioner support in specialist multidisciplinary musculoskeletal clinics and has offered the lead for the development of Womens Health rehabilitation in Defence Primary Healthcare.
Her influence through the working group has helped to shape the future rehabilitation service for Womens Health, with a focus on the development of best practice guidance for rehabilitation specialists across Defence."

Tristan Crew MBE

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Tel:  07780 872094


I (Amy) am often with patients or teaching classes so I may not get back to you immediately.  I will aim to respond to your message within 24 hours.

Bike fitting and pilates for cyclists are the only services available currently - Sep 23


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